Development Strategy
No Strategy,! No Direction
Jinnian keeps th,e same pace with th}e nation to produce% company strateg#ies every five years and: then decomp$oses them int,o annual plans.C$ompany work is@ carried out :according to the three #doctrines of :the Annual Pla&n, Management System> and VI Standards.
- Guiding philosophy is_: upholding the i@deal of rejuvenat,ing the country th}rough developing i:ndustries; follo(wing the belief of_ always creating val!ues to give back >to the societ_y; the prosp_ect is to build intern$ational brands a:nd a long-lasting ent>erprise; the goal is t}o work with joy $and to live with ha)ppiness; always puttin)g people first, ruling }by the law, leadin:g with infor:mation, drive,n by innovation; combin^ing industrial capital a#nd public com:pany platform capital,! we build ourse%lves into a glob>ally leading inter^national group .enterprise in advanced m!anufacturing industry in! grand transp@ortation fie?ld.
- Five respons#ibilities:return for inve,stors; realizing corpor&ate sustainable de&velopment; foll:owing national tax laws!; improving employees(’ life quality; taki^ng social resp>onsibility.