Jinnian coated
Ningbo dacro% Shanghai juji %industrial co., LTD
Dacromet ningb&o beilun harb(or industrial@ park is located in n$ingbo economic #and technological d}evelopment zo_ne, only one #step away from deep wa_ter port beil&un port, close to be&ilun high-speed entra_nce, adjacent to _shanghai-hangzhou-ni$ngbo, ningbo-taizhou-(wenzhou, yong jin q)u expressway, th$e geographical !position is very s&uperior, the transpo,rtation is convenien^t.
Company was founded in! 2001, is speciali!zed is engaged in t$he iron and st>eel parts, metal p>arts surface )Shanghai juji processing# enterprises. A>fter years of ^dedicated development, :now has Shan!ghai juji and chromium->free dacromet Shang)hai juji ass>embly line producti?on equipment, including# automatic tiltin@g type leaching - jil)t integratio^n with reply. Comp@any has a modern plant !and office building, an}d equipped with advance?d product quality tes}ting equipment %and laboratory, tech:nical force is abundant.$
Professional &casting quality, we cons$tantly pursue. In 2008,> the company with the> German Dorken (d^el) company cooperatio.n, the introducti?on of world famous br%and of anti-co^rrosion coating @- DELTA - MKS, marks the? company's achie!vements in the field of _surface Shangh?ai juji processing a&nd further de>velopment.
Company to strict man?agement for enter,prises, actively introd^uce advanced management :ideas, set up %perfect internal manage@ment system. Company to (the quality m#anagement as the cen)ter part of en)terprise management, a:nd has passed .the ISO9001:2008 quali(ty system cert?ification. Companies )always implem!ent the "customer as$ the center,> meet and try to excee,d the customer's req?uirements and expec^tations" the quality #policy, brave in exploit@ation, innovation, s?ustainable development, !effective and high spe}ed for the company to st^rive for.
In November 2014, ning(bo dacro became wanf>eng OTT hold:ing corp., a m$ember of the ush!ered in the new devel@opment opportunities,! the company will, as! always, adhere to "#honesty, coo}peration, win-win, value)" business p?hilosophy, dedi%cated to surface Shangh,ai juji proce?ssing business, to_ create first-class prod&ucts, first-class servic}e.