Finance lease
Financing an?d leasing: to become reg#ional industria.l brand with service p}latform
 $; Wanf)eng finance leasing %companies around the %"steady deve?lopment, tran)sformation and upgrad(ing," the op$erating guidin%g ideology, cus:tomer-centric, and cons!tantly chang?e the service co}ncept, is committed to >new energy, envi?ronmental protection, m%etal smelting,? Minsheng equipment , pr:oject finance l?easing machinery and eq_uipment, large tr!ansport vehicles and .other potential! areas for custo:mers to design fle:xible lease fina)ncing program to provide$ comprehensi@ve, specialized, div>ersified financial ser)vices, and strive to b_uild itself int%o a leading integrate$d financial servi(ces companies!.
Jinnian finance leas!e Ltd
 ,; Jinnian Financial Le&asing Co., Ltd. was ?established in 20!12, is engaged in@ financial leasing joint> venture, the co,mpany is locate_d in Pudong, Shan$ghai, the comp@any "targeting, b?alanced develo%pment and lon%g-term, establish br^and 'scientific ,orientation to profes^sional personnel, scient.ific management, "integ_rity, innovation, s?tability, and win-win(" business philosophy, >with strong financial st.rength, to create the b?est financial le!asing products, pr&oviding customer}s with multivar_iate , professional qual,ity financial leasing se(rvices.