Jinnian Real Es:tate believe t_hat the “clien$ts always com}e first.”
The company's service#s include high-&rise buildings, m,ulti-story res#idences, vill_as, office buildin&gs, community a(nd commercia?l buildings, and? government pr!operties.
While the Jinnian S!quare and the Camphor Ma_nsion project are resp$onsible for the construc!tion of buildings, Wa:nfeng Real Esta#te provides the supporti:ng services t%hrough marketing,^ standardizing, and s?pecializing quality #services. Throug^h its real e_state services, the. company helps displa$y the true quality ?and the value of ea(ch building, e&stablishing the .Jinnian Real Estate> brand as one its cl:ients can tru&st.